Singles ExchangeŽ
Banner Network Free advertising for dating and single
Now on more than 1000 single, dating and matchmaking sites around the world!
We specialize in giving you the web traffic
you’ve always wanted to have. Come join our free exchange today and
receive 1,000 credits upon validation! All you need is a website, a
banner, and about 2 minutes of your time to get started.
Online dating and match making market will explode from $500 million in 2001 to
more than $5 billion by 2008. (source: eMarketer)
DONT MISS OUT! Our network can drive more qualified traffic to
your dating/matchmaking related site so YOU can profit from our free
targeted exchange. > What we offer offers a
3:2 ratio and supports 468x60.
Why are we the best? Our strict requirements on banner placement.
Singles Exchange is the leader in banners exchange for singles, dating and matchmaking services. Unlike other programs where they allow banners to be placed out of site. We forbid this activity and monitor are clients closely. Our click through rate is THREE times the industry average. Users that fall below this range are removed. If you can follow these simple rules then we have the clicks for you. Banners must be placed with in the first 600 pixels of the page. No banners can be placed above Singles Exchange banners. These rule are strictly enforced! cheaters are permanently banned.
Increase your site traffic We ONLY cater
for sites within the Singles, Dating and Match Making Industry so you can be sure your
adverts are being seen by people who are interested in YOUR SITE!
For this reason you can be assured of the most possible visitors to
your site!